Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions
Infinaluxe DIY Lash Extensions are designed to last over 10 days. That’s 10+ days of waking in the morning looking glam from morning to night, without the hassle of 2 hour salon lash extension appointments, messy strip lashes or worrying about running mascara daily.
Each Infinaluxe DIY Lash Application Kit comes with 3-5 sets of Infinaluxe DIY Lash Extensions (the Pre-Mapped Segment Lash Extensions come with 3 pairs in each box, whilst the Customisable Lash Extensions make up roughly 4-5 sets in each kit), - that's over a month worth of lash extensions.
To ensure your lashes last 10+ days and for a full list of do’s and don’ts, please visit our after care instructions below at Question 4 or click here.
Infinaluxe Lash Extensions are 100% waterproof so you can wash your face, shower, sweat and exercise in them as long as 24 - 48 hours have passed since application! Just make sure you gently pat dry and brush your lashes with the included lash brush afterwards.
Although Infinaluxe Lash Extensions are waterproof, please exercise common sense when getting water on your lashes and do not expose to excessive water pressure or excessive water exposure if possible.
Each pair of Infinaluxe DIY Lash Extensions are designed to be used once to keep that fresh, salon quality look look for 10+ days. Your Infinaluxe DIY Lash Application Kit comes with 3 pairs of Infinaluxe DIY Lash Extensions - that's over a month worth of lash extensions.
However some customers do wish to re-use their lash extensions. If you do this, ensure you cleanse the lash extensions and lash band well of all bond residue, dirt and lash removal serum before re-applying. If there is any serum residue, oils or dirt, the lash extensions will not adhere well and will not last long.
Infinaluxe DIY Lash Extensions will not damage your natural lashes – something we were very passionate about when creating our products! Please follow the correct application and removal instructions that come with your kit to ensure your natural lashes are not damaged during the process. You can also view video tutorials of application and removal here.
Infinaluxe Lash Extensions are light and are designed to grip onto multiple natural lashes. This minimises the weight that your natural lashes will bear, compared to lash salon extensions which apply several lashes to each individual natural lash – often leading to broken or damaged natural lashes.
Please make sure you use the Infinaluxe Gentle Lash Removal Serum to gently dissolve the bond before removing each lash segment gently. Whatever you do, do NOT pull your lashes off without first using the Infinaluxe Gentle Lash Removal Serum to soften the bond. Pulling off your lashes without using the serum may cause your natural lashes to be pulled out with it! It only takes 2 minutes to soften the bond and is the only way to ensure no damage occurs to your natural lashes during the removal process.
For full lash application and lash removal instructions, please refer to the Lash Application and Lash Removal instructions booklet that comes with your kit. You can also view video tutorials of application and removal here.
The Infinaluxe Lash Extension system is designed to be applied in just 10 minutes! Created as a DIY lash extension solution for those who want to wake up looking glam for weeks, but don’t have the time (or patience!) to spend hours at the lash salon every couple of weeks, Infinaluxe Lash Extensions are the new generation of lash extensions for the modern woman.
If it is your first time applying Infinaluxe DIY Lash Extensions, or if you are not used to applying segment lashes, please allow a little more time for application as it may take a few practices to perfect the application process. If you are already very familiar with applying lashes (especially segment lashes) than you will likely pick it up sooner.
The first 1-2 times you apply Infinaluxe DIY Lash Extensions it may take longer than 10 minutes to apply as you become familiar with the system (as with anything new, there is likely to be a bit of a learning curve at first!). After this, it should only take you 10 minutes to apply.
Our products do not contain cyanoacrylate, formaldehyde or latex (these are harsh chemicals that are likely to irritate sensitive eyes).
However please keep in mind that like all cosmetics, depending on the sensitivity level of your eyes, there is still the possibility your eyes may become irritated or react to our product so please ensure you do a patch test prior to use.
Of course they will! When applying your lashes, make sure you place them close to the natural lash line, but NOT touching the skin. The ideal distance from the natural lash line to place the lash extension is 1mm from the natural lash line. This ensures there is no tension at the root line and allows your natural lashes to breathe.
Infinaluxe Lash Extensions were designed as a safe, at-home, DIY lash extension alternative to traditional salon lash extensions. Our products do not contain cyanoacrylate, formaldehyde or latex (these are harsh chemicals that are likely to irritate sensitive eyes).
However please keep in mind that like all cosmetics, depending on the sensitivity level of your eyes, there is still the possibility your eyes may become irritated or react to our product so please ensure you do a patch test prior to use.
To maximise the longevity and quality of your new Infinaluxe Lash Extensions, please visit our After care Instructions page here. You can also view these instructions below:
Please follow the below after care instructions after your lash application:
1. Avoid getting your lashes wet for 48 hours after application. This includes sweat from exercise or humidity / steam such as from hot showers.
2. Do not apply mascara to your new Infinaluxe Lash Extensions (you won’t need it anyway!).
3. Do not use oil-based products near your eyes (including foundation, creams, cleaners or eyeliner/eyeshadows containing any oils).
4. Be careful when applying and removing makeup around your eyes.
5. Do not rub, pull or touch your lash extensions or allow any other excessive pressure to affect your lashes.
6. Do not sleep on your face.
7. Gently brush your lashes using the including eyelash brush starting from 48 hours after application.
8. To keep your lashes looking fresh, gently wash your lashes with the Infinaluxe Foaming Lash Cleanser regularly. Be gentle when washing your lashes, and ensure you gently pat dry and brush your lashes straight after washing.
9. Exercise common sense when getting water on your lashes and do not expose to excessive pressure. Ensure you gently pat dry and brush your lashes with the included lash brush after they are exposed to water. When showering or washing your face, try to avoid excessive water pressure or excessive
The most common reasons for your lash extensions not lasting long is if too much bond has been applied!
Less really is more with our bond, please ensure you only use a small amount of bond! When too much bond is applied, the bond cannot fully dry so will not hold your lash extensions for long. Too much bond can also make your application messy.
Scrape excess bond out of the bond bottle before applying onto your natural lashes, so you don't accidentally apply too much.
Also, we suggest to focus the bond on the roots of your natural lashes only to avoid a clumpy look along the length of your lashes. You do not need to brush the bond all the way up your lashes like mascara.
We also suggest to slightly overlap your lash segments when applying them - this helps lock in each lash segment together.
Certain other variables such as how much oil your skin naturally produces, using products containing oils around your eyes, how you sleep (please do not sleep on your face!), pulling on your lashes after application, humidity and not following proper after care instructions can all affect the longevity of your Infinaluxe Lash Extensions. Please make sure you are following the correct after-care instructions to ensure your Infinaluxe Lash Extensions last 10+ days (this is found above at Question 4 of our FAQ’s).
Another reason why your lash extensions may not last as long as they should may be if you did not squeeze your lash extensions with your natural lashes firmly a few times after application (step 7 in the Application Instructions Booklet). This step is extremely important!
If you get any of the Infinaluxe Long Wear Lash Bond on your eyelids or the surrounding skin during application, that’s ok - you’re only human!
Simply wait 30 minutes and wipe it off with a cotton pad or cotton buds / Q-tips. You may need to dampen it slightly with water but be careful around your freshly applied lash extensions.
During the first few days after applying your lash extensions, they may feel a little heavy – especially if you are not used to eyelash extensions. This should subside after a few days.
If your lash extensions still feel heavy after a few days, there may be a number of reasons causing this. Below are some of the most common reasons why your lash extensions may feel heavy:
1. Too much bond applied during application. You only need to use a thin line of the bond when applying your Infinaluxe Lash Extensions.
2. Your lash extension segments may not be placed in the correct position causing unnecessary extra weight on your natural lashes. Ensure each lash extension segment is placed in the correct position, close to the natural lash line (but not touching the skin). The ideal distance from the natural lash line to place the lash extension is 1mm from the natural lash line.
3. The shape/size of your eyes may not be suitable for the lash extension style you are using. If this is the case, try switching to a lighter lash style, or using less lash segments (e.g. instead of using 4 segments, you can try 3 segments).
4. If you have followed all of the above and your lash extensions still feel heavy, you can try to cut your Infinaluxe Lash Extensions segments into smaller segments (we suggest cutting into half) which will reduce the weight of each segment on your natural lashes. To cut the lash segments, please ensure you use small fine-tip scissors and are very careful when you do so.
Reach out to us for assistance and we'd be more than happy to help. We offer complimentary one-on-one video lash application sessions for those struggling to apply, or if you are having issues with application or longevity. We can help to identify any potential issues in your application technique, and teach you the correct way to apply!
If you are applying on top of the natural lashes and find it difficult, you can try applying underneath your natural lashes. Many of our customers find this easier, as their natural lashes will not block their vision when applying underneath the natural lashes! When applying underneath your natural lashes, you can see exactly where you are applying, and it also provides a more seamless and natural look result.
You can view a tutorial of the Under-Lash Application Method on our YouTube channel here.
The most common reason for struggling to apply your lash extensions is if too much bond has been applied!
Less really is more with our bond, please ensure you only use a small amount of bond! When too much bond is applied, it can make the process messy, plus too much bond means the bond cannot fully dry so will not hold your lash extensions for long.
Scrape excess bond out of the bond bottle before applying onto your natural lashes, so you don't accidentally apply too much.
Also, we suggest to focus the bond on the roots of your natural lashes only to avoid a clumpy look along the length of your lashes. You do not need to brush the bond all the way up your lashes like mascara.
This can occur if your bond bottle is not closed completely airtight.
As our bond is designed to be faster drying than regular lash glues and adhere for an extended period of time, if it is exposed to air for too long the texture may become a little clumpy.
To avoid this from occurring, do not expose to air for long, i.e. tightly close the bottle straight after use
If one lash segment starts coming off before the 10+ day period, you can simply remove it and re-apply that baby right on!
Make sure you follow the same application instructions as you did to originally apply your lashes, including applying the lash segment with the Infinaluxe Long Wear Lash Bond, squeezing the lash segment to your natural lashes with the Infinaluxe Lash Applicator, and sealing with the Infinaluxe Long Wear Lash Sealant.
Of course you can! The great thing about Infinaluxe Lash Extensions is that you can customise them to suit the look you like. Below are just a few ways of how you can customise your Infinaluxe Lash Extensions:
1. You can double stack them to give a cat eye look! To achieve a cat eye look, do not put any lash segments on the inner corner of your eye. Start from about halfway and double stack the ends!
2. You can trim them (please only trim the width if needed to fit your eye shape if needed, do not trim the length as this will result in an unnatural look).
3. You can use less segments (e.g. you can use only 2 or 3 segments instead of 4 to give a subtle cat eye look or to look more natural. This works best with the "Light" style of lashes).
4. Mix and match different Infinaluxe lash styles (do not mix with other brand eyelashes as the textures will look different).
If the lash applicator keeps getting stuck to your lashes when squeezing, this means that the bond is getting onto the applicator!
To ensure this does not happen, ensure you wipe the Lash Applicator thoroughly with the Applicator Cleansing Wipe before starting this step. You can also apply sealant to the lash applicator before squeezing which will prevent the lashes from sticking to your lash applicator.Here is a great tutorial method on this, showing you how to prevent the Lash Applicator from sticking to your lashes during this step.
Of course! Please visit our Lash Application and Lash Removal video tutorials here.